Thursday, January 06, 2005

Blair - a credibility crisis

The Prime Minister's latest press conference , along with his live interview last night, show that he's fast losing his credibility as a leader.

The eager, Hugh Grant-like desire to be a best friend to all comers (especially middle Englanders), has given way to a growing defensiveness. How much longer does he think he can keep the lid on the inter-Party warfare with Gordon Brown and will he keep the whole thing together during the expected election campaign?

Labour's leadership also seems to be in denial over Iraq. With mounting deaths this week, the upcoming election there is in serious trouble. Going ahead as planned at the end of January looks like being very risky indeed. Increasing violence will expose many Iraqis to fear of death; balance risk low turnout against major casualties and either way, Blair, facing a probable Spring election here, is a real liability to a Party intent on a third term.

Good job the Tories have "busted flush" Howard in place, with him around to make Blair look good, victory at the ballot box looks assured - even if it means we're saddled with a lame duck leader and a snarling Chancellor waiting in the wings.

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